Parrallel Dimentia

I think this dates back to last year when we first saw the horses in the field at college had been replaced with ostriches – we suspected then that we had unwittingly stumbled upon a parrallel dimension where the world was the same, bar a few essential differences. Like ostriches where horses should be. Tangent – if a group of geese is a gaggle, is a group of ostriches an oggle? We decided it was, and since it’s our parrallel dimension, we can say what we like.

Well, I have discovered further evidence for this theory. On driving home through Epping Forest today, I caught sight of something grey between the trees, within about 15 feet of the road. It appeared to be hunched over something – possibly feeding, it lifted it’s head (narrow, on a slim flowing neck to a pear shaped body) and then it BOUNDED away. At which point I had driven too far to see any more. I will happily swear I saw one of these. My initial response was something along the lines of “Bloody hell, what’s a X doing in Epping Forest?!”

I can’t wait to see the penguin in a hat that is usually found in dimensions such as these…

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