Turn around when possible…

I’m at a career crossroads. Or rather I’m at a career roundabout, doing that thing where you aren’t sure which exit to take and you’ve gone around the roundabout a few times now, enough times to forget which exit you came onto the roundabout from so you can’t nip off again and stop to check a map. And someone’s nicked the road sign you’re looking for. That’s me. This happens to me often enough in real life for me to recognise the analogy rather well. I haven’t stalled yet, which is my other trick when circling roundabouts, unless you include the abortive attempt to leave the career roundabout before swerving back onto it last week. Lucky escape.

Or maybe I do know which exit to take, but it looks a bit potholey and dark, whereas the others are roads I’m more used to. This road might not be the right road longterm, but perhaps it’s worth taking a look, even though it is a bit worrying. Also I’m not sure whether it’s me who thinks it’s a good idea to check this road out, or is that just what other people around me think, and I’m carried along with their enthusiasm?

Oh, and it might be foggy on my roundabout. And I’m getting dizzy.

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