All change!

Oh dear! I kept thinking “wait to blog until you have something interesting to say…” – apparently that’s over five months of nothing interesting!

Things have certainly changed since the 13th of December 2013. On the 24th of November I posted a suitably vague post about being stuck at a career roundabout (like a career crossroads, but more confusing). Well, I did eventually go for the scary dark pothole-y turning. I’m not going to follow that with something like “and I’m so glad I did!” or “and it turned out to be just perfect for me!” because that would be a lie. However, I have a job and it’s not terrible; I turn up in the morning, do things, and people give me money. This archaic ritual of exchanging services for financial benefit has meant I have been able to pursue a house. House is currently at bay in a corner – fingers crossed I’ll have it trapped very soon, and then I shall bore you all stupid with plans for my garden. Until it’s trapped I refuse to get too excited – don’t want to get disappointed if it falls through. However I’m clearly getting a leetle more excited as today I planted just a few French beans, sweetcorn, beetroot, tomatoes, courgettes, a squash and a pumpkin… didn’t want to miss the season completely and if I move in time they’ll be just ready to go into the raised beds the garden already has… I’m planning to use the Square Foot Gardening method – I’ll tell you about that another day but I think it’ll suit me well.

Dingbat moved too! The Little Family now have a lovely little place, properly as of yesterday. Day before yesterday technically, since it’s now past midnight. There are nice wall colours (none of which contain even a hint of either pink or lilac) and some smashing curtain rails – it’s all come together very well. I am resisting temptation to fill their garden with edible plants I think they should own. I must not garden by proxy. I must not garden by proxy. I must not garden by proxy.

Nephew (Jingle, although I feel that doesn’t fit so he perhap needs a new blog nick*) now understands a concerning amount of what he hears, which means adults must be VERY CAREFUL around him. I demonstrated briefly (using his toy cars) to him how some lady hit my car recently, and now he informs me regularly that “Ninny car booken”, which I didn’t specifically tell him during said demonstration. O.o clever boy. Although, since “Mummy car booken” recently after Mummy tested her car’s aquatic properties, he is having quite a specific education in the field car insurance, repairs and hire cars…

Ironically one of the Italian phrases I can say is “vorrei noleggiare una macchina” – I would like to hire a car.

*The Mechanic! For he is Tony Stark in minature.

And yes, I am Auntie Ninny, what of it?

EDIT Oh! And belated happy 10th Birthday Blog! You were born 22nd April 2004 and are now 10. Well done.

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