If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?

I had a scary moment today. I went to the bank. Enough said. Though of course, buying this computer could have had something to do with it. I begrudged myself eggs and bread.

I started the day at 10am about 4 hours after finishing the previous one. I decided that if I went out and achieved stuff I might just get my arse in gear with regards to college. So I did those niggly things – put some checks in. That was about it actually. The pet shop was closed so that ended that list. On the plus side, I did have a couple of bonuses. I can’t remember if I mentioned it – a couple of weeks ago as I left for home I put my new Jilly Cooper book on the roof of my car, and promptly drove off, depositing the book somewhere in the wilds of Hertfordshire. I was more than a little miffed – I hate wasting money, and I really wanted to read the book. Well, today I spied it in the charity shop for a quid (not the precise same book I might add, though that would be funny). Bargain! To boot, I also found a Bernard Cornwell Sharpe novel that I don’t yet have, for 49p. I also went to check and see if my honey has arrived yet. It hasn’t.

However upon getting home and despite the best of intentions, I’ve done sod all for the last 5 hours. I was going to work on a case report, but didn’t. And I keep remembering more things I need to do.

Meh. And the bills are lying unopened on the floor.

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