Touching base

I’m having a bit of bloggers block at the moment. Can’t think of anything to write, and don’t want to write waffle. So I write nothing!

Anyway I do have something to write today 🙂 On wednesday it was my birthday, and a jolly affair it was as well. I forgot to tell the people at college about it, so on thursday I got an ear bashing from them, and a cake as well! HUGE chocolate cake. Huge. And yummy. Managed to feed about 15 people and left me a 1/4 to take home. Also the online club that I run made me a quilt – which is a huge graphic made of smaller graphics that they all made one of. You can see it here.

On the sunday before (I refuse to tell this story chronologically) me, Mum, Dad and Ding went for an Indian in PB, which was lovely. On Wednesday, G’ma took me, Mum and Dad to a Chinese in PB (which was faaaaantastic). Today G’ma took me, Mum, Dad, Nan and Ding to the local olde worlde pub for a meal for Mum’s b’day which is tomorrow. So it’s been a fair old week of eating.

I had a presentation to do on Friday and because of all the festivities I had to make it on Thursday night. Bear in mind my last such presentation took 9 hours to make. I spent 2 hours at college trying unsuccessfully to get a computer to agree to my demands (wouldn’t recognise any kind of file transportation methods). That was a waste, but this did mean I was at college when Miss Contrary phoned me to see if I was going to the Waffle evening at the college bar. One of the nurses is Belgian, and she’d spent hours with me in Equine Medicine taking xrays, and so had decided I was the mad girl who always ends up staying late to do xrays. And thus invited me to the waffle evening she was holding (she made the waffles, it was bring-your-own-topping). I didn’t have any topping but Miss Contrary had provided a large tub of icecream. I only stayed for 3 very fast waffles before leaving again to go home and start my presentation (it was about 9pm at this point). So, I had 1 hour’s sleep that night. The next day, high on caffine I presented my presentation, and due to following my life motto (bells and whistles will often make up for a lack actual content) I recieved laughs, applause, and kudos from the clinicians (which no one else got), plus requests for copies of said presentation. Ego was happy. *pats ego*

Yesterday I had to work (boo, hiss) and instead of the often fairly slow typical weekend day we were in all day from 8am til 8pm, where we left not because the work had finished, but because the night shift had arrived (poor loves). I have one day off and 6 night shifts between now and 15th October, and that’s assuming the week of 10th October adds no more night shifts (which it will) and that I get at least one day off on the weekend of the 15th October. I plan to do the rota for the next rotation – easy going people get screwed.

I got loads of lovely pressies for my birthday. AnM (despite being on another continent) gave me a photo made from my desktop image of gorgeous blokes, a clay wand and a necklace of lovelyness (btw coniscidence, my friend Filly met the lady that made the wand. Small world!) Ding gave me friends for George, the iPod, in the form of a plastic protective cover, and one of those tape-to-cd things for the car. Plus she gave me a chinese meal set – plates and chopsticks etc and apparently I have to cook for her and AnM one day a chinese meal. She may live to regret this… The other F’s gave me a set of talk spanish books and a lovely leather journal type book. I feel I need to learn to write neatly before using it. The H’s gave me a necklace and a brilliant duck paperweight! Classic! Mum and Dad owe me a present because I want something kitcheny but can’t choose what, so they got me an encyclopedia of Monty Python and some choccies. Nan got me a selection of Whittards teas and some chocolate coated coffee beans *yum*. G’ma, neighbours and family friend got me money which is much appriciated at this dire time. The rabbit didn’t get me anything, shat on my floor and ate the hall carpet.

I’ve been crap with presents this year. I managed to get Gytha, my cousin and AnM presents within a reasonable time of their birthday, but everyone else totally missed out. I have presents for Silver and Snata sitting here but am troubled by an anti posting trend in my life. Ding did get a present but it was a tad uninspired. I owe presents to Filly, Pansy, The Desserter, Dad and half of Mum. Plus possibly Little Chef and all three of my housemates, although we aren’t really present people. So I’m going to try and have a karmic Kai-says-it’s-your-birthday day where everyone who was missed out this year gets their presents, card and all. Not because they got me one (some of them didn’t, so that’s not the reason) but because I wanted to get them presents but just didn’t because I’m chronically disorganised and busy. When (since I have only one day off in the next 3 weeks) is a totally different matter. But that is the goal of Kai.

Incidently, Gytha and my cousin usually get their presents around Christmas (both are summer babies). So perhaps the act of getting their presents to them both on the actual day of their birthdays this year (to the shock and suprise of all) somehow upset the cosmic present balance, and meant that everyone else will have to wait 6 months (or over 9 months in the case of Pansy).

And so, I start my slog of work, with not enough sleep (as it’s now 00.28). C’est la vie!

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