Musings and Random Ruminations

Shall I blog? Yeah, let’s blog.

I’m working at my local vets this week. I’ve noticed a pattern now – last week they were horribly busy, this week they are deathly quiet. Apparently clients run a mile whenever I work anywhere. So yes, there isn’t a huge amount to do. My aims have changed over this summer; previously they were to get as many weeks notched up as fast as possible. Now they are to get as much experience as possible before I have to go out into the real world. Unfortunately the former interfered with the success of the latter. Still, never mind.

Halloween was a larf. I went as a wraith – I’ll have to get photos off AnM. I managed to turn the large sky blue sheet into a gown on Saturday morning (that was a stressed day), plus my wig from last year (now suitably tangled) and spidery fake nails. By the end of the night I was wearing just my scrubs due to the somewhat equatorial temperatures of AnM’s various homes. Scrubs are great though – so many uses. We got veh veh drunk, and I ended up with mild alcohol poisoning the next day which meant driving home was entertaining (20 minutes between vomiting, 25 minute journey home). Felt rather guilty leaving AnM with the mess but since I couldn’t bend down without vomiting I think she’d have been better off without me anyway 😉

I watched the second of the documentaries on Hayley tonight. I’ve had several friends with serious problems in life who manage to keep happy despite it all, so much so I have no tolerance for people who use bad situations in their own lives as an excuse for bad behaviour. As most of you will know, Kai and children are best kept separate as otherwise aggressive staring matches ensue, but Little Hayley is incredible – such a sunny personality. She has her own webpage (or rather, her parents have made a webpage about her and her condition). Bless.

I invented a food! Well, a recipe.

Cashew Nut Rolls

1 sweet potato, large
1 onion, small
cashew nuts, many
1-2 slices of bread

Peel sweet potato and cut into chunks. Boil til mashable. Drain.
Dice onions smally small small and fry in lots of butter till gloriously soft.
Dice cashewnuts, chuck them in too to fry a little when onions done.
Toast the bread and blend it to make breadcrumbs.
Mash sweet potato, add onion and cashewnuts and mix well.
Take out a palmful, shape it into a roll (or an amusing shape) and roll in breadcrumbs.
Place on baking tray in preheated oven at Gas Mark 7-9 and brown.
Eat. Enjoy.

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