Pootle Pootle Mental Pootle

Funny old world. For some reason Philly the desktop keeps me logged in at the forum but not into my blog, whereas the laptop who’s name I’ve forgotten (Larry or Annabelle – could be either, probably explains why it’s insane) does the opposite. Bizarre.

3 weeks to go of rotations. How weird is that? I spent the last week at Blue Cross which was pretty good – we get quite a bit of free rein there which is interesting, if paralysingly terrifying on the first day. Next it’s dermatology so tomorrow will be spent reading my derm book, in between ward shifts (covering for a friend).

The rabbit is ill, and in an odd way. I don’t know if I blogged it but at the beginning of the previous rotation (Farm) 5 weeks ago now we drove back to PB with a heavily overstuffed car and a hamster. Rabbit had a bad journey as her cage wasn’t the right way around and she had trouble balancing. From 10 days after that she was ill – not in any real obvious way, just not eating well, depressed. I emailed a clinician at the college hospital for help (not that the college really does rabbits) and she got better spontaneously. Maybe she saw me doing the email, or maybe it was the fact I brought her smokey bacon crisps – who knows. Then 3 days before driving back home for this rotation a week ago she became quiet and inappetant again and has been so since. She’s also now totally lame on her right foreleg, but we (me and my vet) can’t get any pain in the leg. So she’s on antibiotics, painkillers and cage rest to see what happens. Very weird.

Takeaway’s here!

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