If you shake them, they will erupt

Beer cans. They are sensitive little fellows and will, if you do not take due care, erupt in a frenzy of froth and foam if you do not take proper precautions. Shaking them really isn’t advised. Dropping them is just foolhardy.

Obsession/occupation of the moment is Russell Brand. I read his Booky Wook over the last week (good, it was; on par with Marco Pierre White’s and better than Gordon Ramsay’s). Then to today I bought one of his DVDs, which also was good, though perhaps not as good as Eddie Izzard. See, despite inebriation and obsession my ability for comparative reasoning is not impaired. Though my spelling is, resulting in this post taking 47 minutes to write in total.

Although of course my personal history does not not relate to Russell Brand’s at all (never taken drugs despite friend’s doing so, from a nuclear family etc) I do find his book and his shows easy to relate to – the slightly chaotic “Everything’s fine but please remember that ‘balance’ is an intrinsically unstable condition in that a tiny move either way results in instability”. And also we share a First Joke. The Queen’s Legs joke, Google it. Bar the Knock Knock Doctor Who joke and Ding’s Green Car gag (a classic) the Queen’s Legs was my first remembered real joke.

I love that I see a tab and having forgotten why I opened it I glare at it and declare ” Tab! Why are you here?! You mean nothing to me! You appear under your own volition?! How is that sensible?!” The use of question marks with exclamation marks just next to them pleases me.

I’ve gesturing a lot which is usually a sign that I should not engage in online discussions; however, damnit I will!

I broke my plate this morning, and so far this evening I’ve stepped on it twice. This is perhaps an indication that I should remove it from my floor. Either that or I avoid ingestion of fair amounts of wine before stumbling around my room. And beer.

Oh, what a circular post.

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