Chuffity chuff chuff!

I’ve had a productive day! Most chuffed, yes. I awoke at some ungodly hour (i.e. 10.30am) and met Lu in college at 11am for some productive project working. I didn’t mean to stay so late but I was there until 4pm. I finished all 298 rats! Plus I participated in my clubs during my breaks from entering data. I might go back tomorrow to play with some graphs and decide what to study – depends how bored I get at home.

On the way home from college I went to Tesco’s for apparently an entire hour and stocked up on produce – in theory enough to last me some time. Plus I got a load of new stationary – something which is a sure fire way of getting me to revise and work. Coloured highlighters, pencils and new folders have that effect on me.

I returned home and cooked myself a proper dinner (chicken in one of those creamy packet sauces and potato wedges in likewise packet seasoning – didn’t quite go together but I liked it). S and I chatted a lot, we cleaned out the fridge, re-arranged the freezer and I am hopefully dog sitting on Tuesday.

I then ironed my shirt! This may seem like something fairly banal but I have never ironed in my life before (23 years old, your point?). It was such a novelty I ironed my newly washed pillows and duvet as well, and a vest. I noticed the vest was unhemming itself which brings us to my next achievement.

I got out my new sewing machine (who needs a name, like all good appliances) and I re-hemmed my vest. Not the neatest job ever but the first piece of clothing I’ve let myself lose on with my new toy. Then since my joints have been aching recently I took some of the spare checked fleece fabric Sonata gave me months ago and I made a little wrist warmer! It’s even fitted! I’m obscenely impressed with myself! I’d take a photo of it but my camera is full of film of my wonderous restarting computer. So you’ll have to see it later. It works really well – a tiny bit of extra warmth makes all the difference!

So I feel super productive today 🙂 I’m planning to do some work later since I’m in such a good mood – I’ve already tabbed all the pages in our current set of notes (handy coz the blasted thing has no index and no apparent logical order) so I might use my highlighters…

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