Credit where credit due

I hate the Daily Mail. Even saying it’s name makes me feel nauseous. I was looking for a cheap paper to wrap around some cakes in the oven last year and purposefully bought the second cheapest so I wouldn’t have to give that rag any of my money.

I am also wary of animal welfare groups that blur issues by over-emoting.

But credit where credit is due – the action of Animal Defenders International and the coverage by the Daily Mail have got Anne the elephant removed from her restrictive and unsuitable environment (not to mention away from the beatings) and rehomed to Longleat. Now, it may be that when they access her they find she’s in a lot of pain and should be euthanised (which in my mind is only right and proper – letting animals suffer is not acceptable – but I do wonder how such an event might be covered), but at least she’s being assessed and will be given a chance to rehabilitate. This is good.


But I’m still not going to link to their article.
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