Animals now outnumber the humans.

Almost forgot. We now have this:

Brought back with my ever mad housemate, this dog is supposed to be fully grown and 22kg. She’s 16kg now and this photo is day 6 of her new feeding regime where we take the novel approach of actually feeding her – a concept her previous owners couldn’t apparently grasp. She’s put on some weight already – a couple of days ago she would have been graded as 0.5 out of 5 in the cow body condition score. Now she’s about a 1. 2.5-3 is the ideal, 5 is very overweight. She sits on feet to avoid having to sit directly on the floor with nothing to cover her bones. She was kept in a garage.

Cute dog, incredibly intelligent, partially housetrained :plain:, ravenous and nice. There’s not a nasty bone in her body, and luckily she doesn’t seem to have any fear of humans.

The cavs are rather pissed off though. Competing for attention isn’t their aim apparently. I too was rather pissed off at 1am this morning when said housemate thought then would be a good time to play with them outside my bedroom door :plain:, complete with treats for three growling and barking dogs to fight over. 1am. I jest not. After that it was feeding time. Not to mention when she put the dalmatian away she left her keys in the door, with her key fob that beep-beep-beep–beep-beep-beep–beep-beep-beeps when she whistles. Or when a dog she just locked in the utility room whines. And whines. And whines. And yes, she knew I was in bed and had been for 1 1/2 hours.

At least I have one thing to comfort me: it just peed on her bed! :laugh:

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