Old, alone, done for*

It’s bloody infuriating when you meet again a bloke you had a crush on as a kid and discover that yes, you still have a crush on him, yes, he’s still unavailable, and yes, he’s still a complete and utter pain that you would never be able to tolerate anyway. And you stare at the girl he’s with and wonder vaguely about asking her where she found him, does she have any tips and how has she put up with him for this long.

*I watched Mr JI in Peter Pan yesterday which is why I was in such a chilled mood yesterday evening. I was out with AnM – don’t know if she noticed. We went to see His Dark Materials Part II, after seeing Part I last week, and I have to say, everyone who hasn’t seen these plays has missed out on something quite incredible. The shear scale of the production was mindblowing. Today I was taking photos of the sun shining shafts of light through the clouds and accidently caught a bird in one of the shots (it survived – I only winged it), and that and the quote from His Dark Materials inspired this redesign. IMO it outstrips the old one by a mile – I actually like this one.

I want an armoured bear as a friend…

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