Thoughts of a Cookie Monster

J: is kai alive?
T: we killed her
T: and cut up her body
T: to make kai chip cookies
C: haha
C: remind not to eat any baked good tab might make
C: haha

T: 🙂
T: i can’t bake them
T: remember my oven is still in my livingroom
L: *shoves them in her oven*
L: *sets timer*

T: yay L

T: the kai cookies should be done soon
L: yep
L: *checks timer*

L: 2 minutes left
K: Arg! *just notices she’s been brutally murdered, dismembered, flavoured, and baked.*
K: funny the things you don’t notice…

L: *pulls the cookies out*
T: isn’t it
L: tab… they’re talking…
T: hmm talking cookies are interesting
T: i bet once they are eaten they’ll stop
L: hopefully
K: *tries to mould spare dough into little legs to run away on*
T: cookies eating other things is worse then them talking
L: that puts a whole new meaning on the term cookie monster
T: yes it does
T: but the cookie monster now says cookies are a sometime treat so he’s been corrupted
L: stupid politically correct cookie monster xD
K: bastards… *chews thoughtfully on own leg*
L: O:-)
T: it’s a canabalistic cookie
K: the people who corrupted the cookie monster, not you two…
T: even weirder then a talking and eating cookie
K: what you did is understandable
L: oh good
T: we chopped up kai and made her into kai chip cookie and now we have talking, eating canabalistic cookies
K: weird… just had one of those existential moments. If I continue to eat my own cookieness at what point do I finish? And what’s left if I do?
T: the soul of the cookie?
T: so the chocolate

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