I got me a dog! I’d been planning it for some time, and was planning to get one in about 3 weeks time, but fate conspired to drop the perfect dog on me on Thursday, and I took her home Saturday.
Apologies for the big images – she looks less shiny when I shrink them!
She’s almost lab build but smaller.
Worried face! She was distracted today by walking on the beach, meeting my cousin, her fiance, my Nan, her neighbour, my mum, my cat-silblings (who hid), my rabbit and one housemate, but now the activity has all died down and I think she’s wondering when I’m going to take her home 🙁
She came from a home, not a kennels, and so came with more possessions than I do. Tomorrow we’re going for a walk, and we’re going to fix the garden fence so we can play safely in the garden. Her name’s Cindy (although I might change it slightly), and she’s 5 years old. 🙂
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