To quote Draca – “Hmmmm”.
Lackadaisical is the word of the moment. After being on call Friday night and getting some odd calls (full moon) I had to work Saturday. After that I went home to catsit – Spock was locked up for 2 days as the resident fur-siblings don’t agree with him visiting. So now he’s hurtling around like a thing possessed, burning off two days worth of energy I assume.
However the rabbit has not fared so well – she wasn’t eating fab earlier today and panicked and flipped during the journey, and is now breathing rapidly and is wobbly. Not good.
Haylo.. *wave* just thought I’d pop by to say ‘yello’ so much for having more time on pootery-pooter once at said new job.. hehe.. still .. i have business to send your way.. 😀