And I’ve lost the bloody remote control for my DVD player! We (Mum, Dad and I) watched Star Trek XI tonight. I watched it last week with Ding, and loved it so much I ordered it the next morning. Whilst looking for it on Amazon I found a box set of the first 10 movies, digitally remastered, in a presentation box for an amazing £35. The reviews complain that the box is too big. I do not understand. The box is the width of 11 DVDs (10 films plus an extras DVD) and to make it cute they made it a cube. It is precisely the size I would expect a box of 11 DVDs to be. It is also highly pretty and made me very happy when it arrived.
So we watched the new one tonight, having to use my DVD player as parental unit’s TWO players both refuse to play DVDs. Why are they still in the house? No idea. My remote control has wandered off, which means no pause, so whenever anyone gets up to go to the toilet or get some more food or put the kettle on or feed Thomas who decided that doing circuits of the house and garage until fed multiple times was acceptable, we had to rewind it to get back to where we were. Hurump.
However I love the film. Love Love Love. It reminds me why I loved Star Trek in the first place. It reminds me that Star Trek was the first entity I ever obsessed about, and that Spock was my first fanaticism target. Bearing in mind TOS would have been a good 20 years old at the time I first watched it. I remember crying in the Wrath of Khan, and making an unwise observation to my Dad that the Star Trek theme sounded a lot like Superman (apparently it doesn’t). I was only 6 when TNG started. Plus the new film is very funny. And Spock is very pretty. I bought the soundtrack. I was saddened to find out Majel Barrett had passed away though. As the computer voice, Lwaxana Troi, Nurse Chapel and Number One she’d been in all 6 series including Enterprise, plus 7 of the 11 films including the new one. She finished recording for the new film a couple of weeks before she died. She’s left millions in trust for her dogs – brilliant!
Anywho – I went to see a flat last week and was rather disappointed by it – tiny, damp and overpriced. No parking. I’m off to see another on Monday and although it also looks nice in photos I’m trying to keep distant. Failing miserably – I’m already referring to it as “my place” again. At least I’m not alone – I draw solace in the fact Ding said she fell in love with about 8 places before she got her last flat. Raargh I hate the inbetween bits. I just wanna make a decision and be done with it.
Oh I loooooooove STXI!!
Am disappointed it didn’t get more Oscar nominations. Have seen Avatar and know which one I prefer.