Coping with stress

Today we shall compare and contrast two species’ methods of coping with stressful situations. Firstly, the human in a lecture theatre:

The subject expressed her frustrations with 7 unhappy or angry faces, a snarling wolf and a request for the lecturer in question to proceed more efficiently.

Second species in question, is Oryctolagus cuniculus of the lagomorph family – the European rabbit. Here the subject has chosen to face the day ahead by eating breakfast in bed.

It was found that of these two species the rabbit had a far better day, despite the human subject gaining brief amusment from the random comments scrawled on her lecture notes.

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One Response to Coping with stress

  1. Kai says:

    Ok – you’re officially too tired to work when you seriously consider abbriviating a list of surgical complications of spinal surgery to "you might fuck it up".

    Accurate though that summation may be.

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