Oo joy! I’ve been miscounting my weeks! I’ve been ignoring my work experience weeks. Happy times!
Week 11 of 48 begins tomorrow. And yes, I will continue to count down my weeks. Tomorrow begins 6 weeks in the small animal hospital area. Two weeks of anaesthesia, which is according to my friends hellish, and according to my housemate 90% boring. I’m happy as long as I know what my jobs are, and apparently small animal isn’t very good at that, so we’ll see. After those 2 weeks follows 4 weeks of small animal medicine, which is apparently 4 individual weeks of various areas of the hospital. Should be interesting. I might have forgotten what daylight and indeed trees look like by the end of the 6 weeks.
And when the 6 weeks is over I will have completed week 16 of 48, and will be 33% finished in terms of the whole 48 weeks, and a happy 43% finished in terms of clinical weeks (the rest being 4 weeks work experience, 8 weeks research and 4 weeks holiday).
S’funny – in non-clincal years we counted down the weeks to exams in panic, with the average number of lectures to be revised each night rising as the weeks went by (up to “if we cover 48 lectures a day we’ll cover the entire syllabus before the exam”). Now we’re wishing the weeks away.
Roll on March 13th 2006. Lucky for some.
*Mark Owen’s song – 4 Minute Warning.
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