But there were crumpets EVERYWHERE

So, yesterday for Easter we went to the cousins’ for their famed all-day breakfast. Literally all day – started with porridge and cereal at 10am, followed by a full English at noon-ish. Then a walk to the seaside (real sea this time, not fake estuary sea like in Southend) where we all sat on the beach half-heartedly pelting Tol with pebbles. Eggs benedict was awaiting our return, followed by another walk to the nature reserve which had me (in borrowed flip flops) beginning the walk with nettle stings and subsequently dock leaves covering my feet, and finishing the walk up to my ankles in mud and temporarily losing a shoe with the Jersey cows looking on in puzzlement. I also had to teach people how to assess ruminal function and pregnancy stage in the diary cow throughout the walk.
Course four of the all-day breakfast was waffles and pancakes with suitable syrupy lemony sugary coverings. The day was also punctuated with trampoline fun. I want a full sized trampoline…

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One Response to But there were crumpets EVERYWHERE

  1. annm says:

    HUM i want crumpets.

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