The Circle of the Year

Well – not an exact year – more like, a year and a bit. The Circle of the Blog. I have been rereading my blog from last year and marvelled at the changes that have happened over that time. I wouldn’t have thought, looking back, that either me nor my life had changed greatly. Let’s have a quick snapshot of the start:

I was Year 3, having just taken my 3rd year exams (which were at Easter 2004) and I hadn’t recieved my results yet. I was living downstairs with a rabbit and two rats, and my housemates were a bubbly final year and a off-putting phd staff member. I was one of a group of 4 at college, and was totally dependent on them. I was even more dependent on Spanner, who I bitched with when Filly and Pansy were being old and boring. Although I was starting to enjoy social occasions with Spanner such as parties and balls and the like, I was reclusive in my own home and preferred to live in my room on the computer. I use the computer constantly, and I rarely worked. I didn’t really enjoy my course – couldn’t see the relevance. I wanted to be an Exotics vet, and work in a small one vet practice. When talking to people I’d just sit and quietly stare at the wall.

Now I am in the final year (year 5). I have no exams yet, having passed my 4th year ones in Easter. I am however doing well in clinical rotations, scoring top marks in the rotations that matter (i.e. ones that I wish to do for life) and good marks in the ones that matter less to me. As of about 2 days ago I am living upstairs with only a rabbit, and my housemates are two reclusive 3rd years (now 4th years) who are away for their summer break. I have to work over summer. Following the start of rotations I have not been welded to Filly and Pansy – my decision to be in a different subgroup to them was a good one – I see them enough to remain friends but not enough to want to kill Pansy. Spanner will be returning from her year away to be in the year below us shortly, and I look forward to her returning. I’ve become very good friends with Little Chef, who used to (and will do again) live with Spanner, and I adore pointless social occasions like going to Starbucks for a coffee or sitting reading magazines in silence. I’ve been living in the lounge and took any opportunity to talk to the departing bubbly housemate. The computer spent days untouched as work left me too tired to bother. I adore my rotations – I’ve loved every second so far. I want to be an anaesthetist and work in an institution with hundreds of employees and an opportunity to become a lecturer. When talking to people I talk to them and ask them questions – this is novel.

One thing has remained the same – I still haven’t finished Science of Discworld II. My pile of “currently reading” books is simply growing.

I encourage anyone who has not started a blog to do so today – MSN (spawn of satan) have a nifty new portal thingy that has a blog aspect to it if you can’t afford/don’t want the effort of your own paid for blog. Go there now and get one and keep it updated. I’ve been doing this for only a year and a bit and already I’m finding it’s worth is most definately in showing you how far you have come, and how well you are doing while growing as a person. Stray Toaster inspired me (his blog goes back to 1998 and was already version 2 by then) so now I pass on the Toast! I mean the Torch! BLOG PEOPLE! BLOG IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT! Life may be short but it’s the longest thing you’ll ever do, so for heaven’s sake, write it down!

Roll on next year!

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