
Is it possible to feel gruntled?

Well I solved the LAN problem. Lappy can’t comprehend that there may in fact be more than one ISP in the world but it can comprehend the idea of routers 😉 So I fixed our home network which has been playing up since we bought it – apparently the compy downstairs needs to be off at the mains or fully on – standby sends the whole network loopy. Only took 6 hours or so to work that out. So the old desktop is being downsized and all my stuff moved over to the lappy – I am no longer a two computer woman!

As for rabbit, I did end up going to A&E Sunday evening. She had a shot of antibiotics (enrofloxacin – Baytril) and I had a chat with the vet. Whole lot cost £44 – cheaper than I’d expected as she was a rabbit (cheaper consult) but still overpriced considering I turned up with a full history, a list of signs, a set of differential diagnoses and a selection of possible treatments. One wonders who was doing the consult. I did learn one thing though; encephalozoonosis (a brain protozoa) is not only in the US. So it is a possible differential, and not an unlikely one.

I scrounged oral Baytril from the vets on Monday so she’s been on that. She hasn’t got any better but she hasn’t got any worse – she’s changed from fast head flicking to static tilt – dunno if that’s better or worse. Today she also goes on oral potassium iodide, fenbendazole (wormer) and sub cut fluids. Potassium iodide is what they used before antibiotics existed – it penetrates pus much better than antibiotics so is helpful if your middle ear is full of pus. The wormer is for the encephalozoonosis – it kills the protozoa. i.e. we don’t know what it is but whatever it is it’s nasty so let’s go in with guns blazing! The fluids are because a bunny with a head tilt finds it harder to stay on the water bottle, and since it’s warm weather and I’m not here most of the day I want to make sure she’s hydrated. I’m sure you wanted to know my strategic dosing regime.

Apart from viewing the world at about a 40 degree angle, she’s alright in herself and is still eating almost normally. However two vets I’m on experience with have said plainly “ooo Bunny gonna die”. Which doesn’t fill me with confidence. Also I worry that they treat their clients the same way. Or maybe I’m just speshul. Lucky I’m of the bolshy “sod ’em” mentality, ain’t it.

Work experience knackering. Must get in bed by 10 tonight. Also trying to get my rat project going as I only have 4 weeks :crazy: eek… Need more time…

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